We had a drink in the foyer waiting for the play to start. The crucible or basin in a furnace which receives the molten metal. A hostel offering accommodation and work opportunities to homeless young people. lobby, corridor, or waiting room. Foyer est l'assurance n1 des particuliers et professionnels Luxembourg. Dcouvrez toutes nos solutions pour vous mettre l'abri des incidents de la vie. [fwaje) il locale, adiacente a una sala teatrale o cinematografica, dove gli spettatori hanno la possibilit di intrattenersi prima e dopo lo spettacolo e durante le pause. In italiano lo stesso luogo si pu indicare anche col termine ridotto. Foyer seamlessly connects with your existing retail systems to sync product, inventory and customer data. Sales associates can easily access and share up. The foyer is the large area where people meet or wait just inside the main doors of a building such as a theatre, cinema, or hotel. I went and waited in the foyer. Synonyms: entrance hall, lobby, reception area, vestibule More Synonyms of foyer Pour nous, les foyers et les poles sont une histoire de passion et de confort. Des foyers et des poles aux look modern ou au design plus traditionnel. Foyer ist die Versicherung n1 fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen in Luxemburg. ffnen Sie alle unsere Lsungen, um Sie gegen die Zwischenflle des Lebens zu schtzen. Traduccin de 'foyer' en el diccionario gratuito de inglsespaol y muchas otras traducciones en espaol. Jahrhundert vom franzsischen foyer fr (Feuerstelle, Herd, Brennpunkt) entlehnt, dieses wiederum vom lateinischen focrius la zum Herd gehrig, Ableitung von lateinisch focus la Feuerstelle Foyer definition Foyer bersetzung Foyer Wrterbuch. Uebersetzung von Foyer uebersetzen. Aussprache von Foyer bersetzungen von Foyer Synonyme, Foyer Antonyme. Information ber Foyer im frei zugnglichen Online EnglischWrterbuch und Enzyklopdie. Foyers, Foyers das Foyer SUBST Vorraum eines Theaters das; s, s; der Vorraum meist in einem. Foyer definition is an anteroom or lobby especially of a theater; also: an entrance hallway: vestibule. How to use foyer in a sentence. an anteroom or lobby especially of a theater; also. A foyer is a large entrance, like the foyer of a building that you enter before you reach the elevators. Sometimes a foyer is also called a lobby. Foyer definition, the lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house. Foyer is een nonprofitorganisatie gevestigd in Molenbeek die zich op het lokale, regionale en internationale vlak bezighoudt met diversiteit, interculturaliteit en sociale cohesie. Bij Foyer werken we aan een samenleving die positief omgaat met diversiteit en waarin iedereen, ongeacht zijn of haar afkomst of achtergrond, volwaardig deelneemt. The little party passed through the foyer and into the hall of the hotel, where they waited while the Duchess' carriage was called. View in context We had better all go down to the foyer together, at once, for the speech, ' and we will come up again together. into your foyer, your hallway, whatever's on the other side, [ TEDJoshua Foer Feats of memory anyone can do The Foyer is a successful social enterprise working to support individuals in communities in the North East of Scotland. Established in Aberdeen in 1995 in response to concerns about youth homelessness and unemployment, the Foyer has reached beyond its. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Foyer' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wrterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Das Foyer (franzsisch foyer Feuerstelle, Herd, Brennpunkt, nach dem lateinischen focus; auch Lobby) bezeichnet einen groen Vorraum in einem ffentlichen Gebude, besonders in einem Opernhaus, Theater, Konzertsaal oder auch Hotel. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. foyer Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions Documentaire L'enfance en suspens tourn en 2011 au foyer de l'enfance LE RELAIS VitrysurSeine (94). Avec divers enfants dont Celly Situ Pebe. Vie dans If the living room is the heart of the home where courtesies, hospitalities and fond moments are shared, the foyer or the entryway is the prologue where first impressions are. Make a good first impression with these foyer decorating ideas and pictures from HGTV. Le Foyer Merici Angers, une exprience communautaire et internationale. In the UK there are over 135 Foyers supporting more than 10, 000 young people, compared to 15 Foyers or Foyerlike services across Australia with capacity to support up to 500 young people. Unlike the UK, Foyers in Australia have been developed on an adhoc basis. Product Butler Loft MultiColor Round Rubberwood solids, Walnut veneer, Antique gold finished metal stretcher BUTLER BLANCHARD MODERN FOYER TABLE Product Image Price Our role is to innovate, champion servicer reform and ensure the Foyer network can deliver the best quality offer for young people (1625 year olds). By placing young people at the heart of all we do, we strive to achieve our vision for all young people to have a chance to realise their potential, build a thriving, independent and sustainable. a large open area just inside the entrance of a public building such as a theatre or a hotel, where people can wait and meet each other: 2. the room in a house or apartment leading from the front door to other rooms, where things like coats and hats are kept3. Dcouvrez une vaste gamme de produits d'ambiance sur mesure, ainsi que notre service de design, finition et installation! Sometimes referred to as a foyer, reception or an entrance hall, it often is a large, vast room or complex of rooms (in a theatre, opera, concert hall, showroom, cinema, etc. Foyer: Foyer, , intermediate area between the exterior and interior of a building, especially a theatre. Originally the term was applied only to that area in French theatres, comparable to the greenroom in English theatres, where actors relaxed when they were offstage. Because actors were accustomed to Synonyms for foyer at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for foyer. Find and save ideas about Foyer ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about Entryway ideas, Entryway decor and Foyer. 4, 340 likes 299 talking about this 604 were here. With more than 80 boutiques that specialize in antiques, artwork. Sons Of Maria Foyer (Original Mix) Genre: Nu Disco Release Date: Labels: Enormous Tunes available on. foyer definition: The definition of a foyer is an entry hall or open area. (noun) The entry hall in your apartment house is an example of a foyer. The large open area in a theater before you go into the auditorium is an example of a foyer. foyer ( foyers) A lobby, corridor, or waiting room, used in a hotel, theater, etc. We had a drink in the foyer waiting for the play to start. En groupe ou en individuel, en chambre privative, partage ou premium, le FIAP dispose de 194 chambres de 1 6 lits, dont 114 chambres rnoves. 26 salles de runions de 8 200 places proposes avec plusieurs formules de pauses et de cocktails. Le foyer dun fourneau: La partie dun fourneau o se place le feu et dont le fond est garni dune petite grille. Wisbech Foyer Manager named one of the top 5 Young Leaders in the housing sector. One of our very own Foyer Managers, Helen Florence, has made it to the final round of the National Housing Federations Young Leaders Award. Helen is the Manager of Wisbech Foyer and was one of ten foyer social nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles le, l' (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), un. Ex: garon nm On dira le garon ou un garon. (hbergement pour personne pauvre) Find and save ideas about Foyer decorating on Pinterest. See more ideas about Console table decor, Entrance table decor and Hall table decor. Foyer (vyslov: foaj, ze starofranc. foyer) ve svm pvodnm vznamu oznaoval prostor ohnit. V dnen dob jm oznaujeme specializovan spoleensk sl v divadle nebo v koncertn sni, kter slou pro osven a oddech divk bhem pestvek pi pedstaven nebo pi koncertu. Leader du march local de lassurance, le Groupe Foyer s'investit galement dans la vie culturelle et sportive du Luxembourg.